There is a residential option besides solar to reduce your kWh consumption, one that works 24 hours a day that will pay for itself much quicker than solar.
These State-of-the-Art single-phase efficiency systems provide residential customers the same energy reducing, power conditioning and surge protection that our customers enjoy.
Commercial and Industrial
The Universal Shunt Efficiency System, USES®, is a superior magnetic field induction technology for commercial and industrial facilities that are needing to reduce their kW demand, kWh consumption, electrical operating costs, improve power factor and eliminate reactive penalties.
The USES® XL three phase efficiency system is unmatched in ability and performance.
These State-of-the-Art three phase shunt efficiency systems provide maintenance free kW and kWh reduction solutions to industries around the world along with surge protection, power conditioning, harmonic filtration, magnetic phase balancing and safe resonance free power factor correction.
Please consider our Testimonials and Project Reports and then contact Energy Saving Technologies Group
to begin saving at your facility!
Performance Guarantee
We guarantee that our proposed Energy Saving and Power Conditioning System will pay for itself in three years or less from the date of installation, unless otherwise stated.
After the system is fully installed and operational, the following verification methods will be implemented to measure performance.
Our estimated projections in this proposal are based upon the utility bills, energy readings and operational information provided by the facility. Any significant changes may alter the results.
A partial list of clients that are saving and benefiting from the USES® System.